Across India, a significant rise in garlic prices is being observed, with stark variations in different regions. In Kolkata, the price of garlic has soared to Rs 500 per kg, a dramatic increase from the previous Rs 200-220. This hike is mainly due to decreased production resulting from poor rainfall in major garlic-producing states like Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, the latter contributing about 40% of India's garlic output. The delay in the new harvest, expected in two months, exacerbates the supply issues.
In Guwahati, the northeastern city mirrors this trend, with garlic prices hitting Rs 400 per kg. This surge is forcing local residents to alter their consumption habits, with many turning to alternative spices. Small food joints in the city, heavily reliant on garlic for their dishes, are similarly impacted, with some reducing or entirely removing garlic from their menus.
Coastal Karnataka is experiencing even higher prices, with first-grade garlic retailing at Rs 520 per kg and wholesale at Rs 435 per kg, a significant leap from the Rs 180-250 range just a month ago. This price increase is largely due to reduced yields from northern India, affected by inclement weather.